ITC Appraisers Active on Macomb Orchard Trail
Monday, March 26, 2018 at 11:56AM
Clark Hill

ITC is preparing appraisals that will serve as good faith offers for the next phase of takings along the Macomb Orchard Trail.

ITC has been acquiring vegetation management easements along the Adams Spokane transmission line in Oakland and Macomb Counties for a couple years. The most recent batch of cases involved takings from the Breckenridge Subdivision in Washington Township. ITC is now moving farther along the line, including into Shelby Township. One of ITC’s regular appraisers has sent letters to property owners seeking to inspect their properties for purposes of his appraisal.

Based on my observations, ITC’s appraiser applies a fairly formulaic and cookie-cutter approach that does not fully evaluate the impact of the taking on properties. For example, in the Breckenridge cases, the appraiser disregarded the positive impact of the ability to plant vegetation in adjacent subdivision association land. That vegetation is an aesthetic amenity that also screens the homes from the Trail itself as well as the existing transmission lines.

I am in the process of being retained by a number of impacted property owners. There is strength in numbers. If you have been targeted by ITC, please feel free to contact me.

This blog post explains issues relating to ITC takings.  

Article originally appeared on Clark Hill Property Owner Condemnation Services (
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